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Before you buy Rambo The Video Game + Baker Team DLC, please check the store page for any information about activation restrictions in your region. However, some shops don’t share information regarding regional locks in their product feeds and that can lead to some very occasional mistakes. We always try to make sure that price displayed in our comparison is assigned to the correct regions. If the price is still too high, create a price alert and receive an email notification when Rambo The Video Game + Baker Team DLC matches your budget! Does Rambo The Video Game + Baker Team DLC cd key activate in my region? Check the price history of the game to determine how good the deal is in relation to historical low offers. All offers already include discounts from vouchers to save you time and money. GG.deals aggregates game keys from over 40 digital distribution stores so you can find the best deals on video games. Yes, this IS the ultimate Rambo experience! Play on Green Beret for highest scoring potential. Three difficulty levels with corresponding score-multiplier bonus.Unlock John Rambo's full warrior (and score-attack) potential with skill & perks system.

No health-packs or recharging health-bar - Kill to heal with Wrath Mode.15 different guns plus a range of different arrow-tips for Rambo's bow.25 different enemy types, spectacular boss battle and vehicle sections.Selected music from the Motion Picture sound tracks.Features actual voices of Rambo & Col.All-out action in rail-shooting face-offs - players will need to make tactical use of cover-options to survive the enemy onslaught.16 Missions of action based on the movie series.In this classic rail-shooting, arcade adventure you can use the classic Rambo weapon set of a bow, a knife, and guns as you encounter (and create) chaos, carnage and destruction. Locked and loaded with the trademark Rambo arsenal of weapons, you battle through the boss showdowns and take-downs from the films - everything from Rambo’s evading the police in First Blood, to his single, explosive bow strike on Lieutenant Tay in Rambo First Blood Part II, and on to his shredding Russian helicopters with the DShK 12.7mm Heavy Machine Gun in Rambo III. RAMBO ® THE VIDEO GAME is a rail-shooter that puts the player in John Rambo’s combat boots, and takes them on an action packed journey through the iconic combat sequences and story-arcs of FIRST BLOOD ™, RAMBO: FIRST BLOOD PART II ™ & RAMBO III ™.